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How to Obtain and Use VW California Documentation for Custom Modifications


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Hey guys....đŸ„°


I recently acquired a VW California and am planning to make some custom modifications to suit my needs. I’ve heard that having the right documentation can make a significant difference when it comes to ensuring everything is done correctly and safely.


Could anyone guide me on how to obtain the most up-to-date and comprehensive VW California documentation? Specifically, I’m looking for detailed guides or manuals that cover modifications such as electrical upgrades, interior changes, and any relevant regulations that might apply.


I also check this: https://www.caliboard.de/topic/35273-ausstellfenster-von-custom-bus-erfahrungenai But I have not found any solution. Additionally, if anyone has experience with these modifications, I’d love to hear about any tips or common pitfalls to watch out for. Are there any specific resources or forums where these documents can be found, or would anyone be willing to share their own documentation if available?


Thanks in advance for your help!


Respected community member!😇

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  • GruenNdB


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  • vamoy24513


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Hello ??? 


Well I believe you can’t simply find  a specific source in a folder on this platform, touching every single topic you want to have addressed.


Usually a specific topic is being raised by a Member having a problem, or request for support. Members experienced in this field will be provided on an individual basis support and/or detailed feedback with a circuit diagram.

May I suggest you an additional platform, called TX-Board.


BR Thomas 


Bearbeitet von Calimaso

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Dear @vamoy24513,

I'm sorry to possibly disappoint you with my following answer.

You won't get a valuable answer on your very unspecific question. This board can help you solving problems you have and you can describe in detail.

But no one can lead you through a process as you wish. That's the same as you could ask "How could I get a diploma without learning or working, asap?"

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maybe you can find an answer here:

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The VW Workshop manuals and other supporting documentation can be found here, specific for your car:

You have to pay for getting access (1h = 9 € incl VAT)

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... again what learned 😉😉 

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