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Crafter Hero Paket


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Hi, this is very cool. It looks good. Great!

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Das würde mich auch sehr interessieren. 

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  • 4 Wochen später...

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This looks very cool! how did you power the stripes? Where are they switched on/off?

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there are 3 modules in the car. 1 central that communicates with the 2 (one in each door) via Bluetooth. The central one is connected to the 12v socket next to the gear shifter and the ones in the doors to the module that operates the windows and door closing. they can be turned on from the remote control, phone or... if you connect them to the lights on the buttons, they turn on together with the interior lighting and remember the last settings. (mine are locked on red and white and sometimes on the amber colour as from an activated button on the board)

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Thanks , lights on the buttons - thats what I was looking for, good advice

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Hallo zusammen,


ich habe die Teile bei MAN angefragt.

Hat diese schon jemand nachgerüstet?

Wo wird der Strom abgegriffen?

Dient der zusätzliche Schalter in der A Säule nur zum an- und ausschalten der roten Begrenzungsleuchte in der Tür?


Vielen Dank für sachdienliche Hinweise.


VG André

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  • 1 Monat später...

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How did you manage the disassembly for the wireing? Do you have any pictures? 

Especially above the glovebox. 


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unfortunately i did not take any pictures but is not so complicated. You can find on internet how to dismantle the lower part of the dash (corner plastic first with cupholders and all the screws are visible after that) The left tray over the glovebox should be pull straight to the passenger seat not to brake any tabs.

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here you can see how it look 



and here the doors




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  • 8 Monate später...

Ich habe bei MAN mal wegen den roten Zierstreifen angefragt, da der wohl vom TGE stammt. 

Die wollen tatsächlich satte 240 € für zwei rote Klebestreifen haben...

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