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Mountain Bikes / Sliding drawers in back of GC680?


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Hello from New Zealand!

(Apologies for writing in English)


Has anyone got any good ideas for storing 2x 29" Mountainbikes in the back of the GC680?


(Long story - changed from a MWB sprinter to GC680 as we wanted to put a rear slider in and get the E MTB bikes out of the elements/secure)



Idea #1:

Both wheels off, frames upside down

image.thumb.png.66af0600a1f9a954c2cdf6fee0588620.png image.thumb.png.11032fdfe48038cad0120a3619d1fe73.png image.thumb.png.ec4e4f89361df97dab1dfccb0185c16b.png


Yes - 2x 29" (Medium frame) E - MTBs fit into the GC680. In theory they would fit into GC600 as well


Problems with idea #1;

- Difficult / slow to get in and out.

- Easy to damage bikes / van getting in and out.

- Disc brakes unhappy about being upside down 





Has anyone fitted a slide-out tray to a GC6x0?




I see @Ernesto had a drawer for boxes in the center - was thinking like this but longer




Idea #2:

Long slides up high: 

image.thumb.png.3ff45d68bd4fb9ca5c7401c9138605c3.png image.thumb.png.73ef40e4c6bf99b7726b34aab8b51d68.png 


Will need to lift bed 50-100mm to clear rails / handlebars


Problems with Idea #2:

- Dropper seat posts don't like being lifted from.

- Hard to get bikes on/off

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I was planning to put them on drawer across the back.. Gas cupboard I want to kick out completely, gas tank will go under the car.. I will get my new GC next week, than I can verify my idea.. 

But I see on your photo, that even with front wheel removed it can be problematic..

I will follow your topic.


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