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What are these switches for?


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Goodmorning, can anyone explain to me what these switches are for? We received our California last weekend and I forgot to ask. Due to the lockdown we did not get an extended explanation of all the details.




IMG_0379 09.50.52.jpeg

Bearbeitet von Ramonn
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Hello Ramonn, I don't know the first switch next to the bed either. The switch on the dashboard is for quick charging of the on-board battery. Motor is not stopped when standing and idling is then faster, the alternator is not switched off. Best regards

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Thanks! First question answered. That sure is a handy option. 

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The button on the switch next to the bed will turn off the waterpump.  In case the waterpump fails to stop (search the forums, this happens), you can cut the power to the pump, so at least you don't have the pump noise while you figure out the issue.


Am I correct you bought your GC in the Netherlands? We did too, and have the same switch.

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Hi Ralf,

thanks, that explains a lot. Good to know, hope we don't need it.

You are correct, we bought it in The Netherlands. We rented last summer and liked it a lot. We bought the one we rented, it is almost new.

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puzzle solved, great🙂
The Switch is a peculiarity of the GCs from the Netherland.

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