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AGM gegen LiFePO4 tauschen


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wie ich es hier schon lesen konnte muss es ja ein riesen Aufwand sein die AGM gegen eine 100ah LiFePO4 Batterie zu tauschen. Da ich leihe bin würde mich mal interessieren was man für den Fachgerechten Einbau ohne Komponenten eines Wechselrichter mit ca. 1700 Watt und eine 100ah LiFePO4 Batterie rechnen kann für einen GC 680 mit Solar.



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Benutze mahl die Suchfunktion , wurde schon einiges zu geschrieben .


Grüße Andy

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habe mittlerweile vor etwa 9 Monaten eine ECTIVE LC 100 LT LFP eingebaut. Funktioniert seither gut, selbst  bei strengen Frosttemperaturen kommen wir auf 2 Tage autarkes Stehen. Kostet derzeit 992,45 EUR (

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) und  kann man selbst wechseln. Lediglich Die Anzeige in der Camper Unit funktioniert infolge des eingebauten Batteriemanagementsystems nicht mehr und zeigt immer 100 % an. Aber über Bluetooth-App hat man eine viel genauere Anzeige.

Weitere Hinweise, auch zu meinem Einbau findest Du in separaten Threads.


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  • 2 Wochen später...

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Hallo, die Idee habe ich auch. Das bedeutet Du hast nur die Batterie getauscht und nicht zusätzlich noch das Lademanagement? Lädt die Lifepo dann auch zu 100% auf?

Danke und VG

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Ja, bei Landstrom gibt es überhaupt kein Problem, beim Fahren muss ich allerdings die Booster-Taste drücken, weil das Lademanagement der  Regelung in der CU eine volle Batterie vorgaukelt. Das Laden lässt sich allerdings über die App sehr gut überwachen.

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  • 4 Wochen später...

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Spannend. Meine CU zeigt immer 0% an... (Hab auch die Ective LC 100 LT LFP)

Das heißt zwar, dass ich die Boostertaste nicht betätigen muss, aber ich den Hinweis „Batterie leer“ immer wegdrücken muss, bevor ich die CU benutze.

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  • 3 Wochen später...

Hello Everibody


After follow the battery topics for a while I would like to share my experience and demystify some tails here, about direct swap the OEM AGM for a Lithium 100ah need to do it in English since translate this on google will be a mess to understand so Im sorry for that.


I was also scared to change the body battery when I got the GC so I did purchased 2 Ecoflow Deltas Power Stations to do my work 1 when got the car and the second a while later, they work great and could not be happier with them!


The problem was that the AGM was just ridiculous small to run other things as fridge, diesel water heater, etc so a while ago I purchased a Lithium 100ah DIN same size and same fitment as the AGM and did the change and after use for a while that is what I learned:






The battery charge perfectly with the Voltronic charger on the GC you just need to change the profile to lithium (It charges full with AGM profile also)


After a while I changed the solar control for a Victron Smart Solar 75/15 and that changed everything, the Victron is better than the Voltronic in every way,I noticed much more energy coming and you can use the excess trough the load output (I have connected on the load output a Dometic PLB40 Power Station that feed my Philips HUE Smart Stripes on the rear cabinets, my SmartTV and my internet router) 


This power station in only charged when the Victron detects that the main body battery is full so in this way I can use the excess solar power and store for later use at night, by the way I was able to get 190w from the GC 680 solar to the statement that the VW panel doesn't produce the 177w is not true it produces much more under perfect conditions.




The battery doesn’t charge when driving unless you push the booster button, if you don’t have the booster button and if is not raining you can charge using solar while driving and that works great at least here in Portugal (If you don’t have solar or the booster button the battery won’t charge while driving)




For this I did different tests, I didn’t know until I changed the solar controller for the Victron that the solar still active when the car is connected to shore power, so during the day the Lithium curve prevail from the solar that sends energy to the battery even while is connected so what I did was to disconnect and use the battery during the day under a shade and connect to shore power at night once the sun is down, and after the whole night connected the battery is 100% full without doing any changes to the OEM charger, so yes the car charger will charge your lithium at 100% without any modification.




My battery was charged and used on temperatures from 5 to 30 celsius ambient only, that was my biggest concern about install a lithium battery under the bonnet, the heat here in Portugal, that concern just went away when I learned that the temperature under the bonnet is not the same as the temperature inside the battery according to the battery APP so when under the bonnet was around 40 celsius inside the battery was around 34, the battery run cooler than that when the car is moving than when the car is stationary under full blast sun, the difference from battery to ambient temperature almost every day is around 5 to 7 celsius more when stationary and 3 to 4 celsius more when the car is running.




The battery empty message never showed to me on the CU it works exactly as it did before the battery change, actually I can see how much power is coming to and going from the battery as before except that now battery is always full, it never was accurate anyway :)




My battery received dust, water and all other environmental debris and not problem so far, went to Volkswagen and let them know that I changed the battery and they looked at and say that is not problem but that I need their permission to change the starter battery for a different one but that was not my case, no warranty problem there according to them.


So to be simple and unfortunately only learned that way later after use of the battery is that the battery will charge no matter what, doesn’t matter the voltage the BMS always find a way to complete the charge, did tests using my Noco Genius Charger using AGM and Lithium profiles and the battery always got charged full, did the same with the Victron Solar, looks like the BMS control the curve and you can see that on the battery APP that battery voltage is not same as the charger, even with different curves it still showing consistently on the app that the battery voltage doesn't change.


Sorry for the long post but for all of you that want to upgrade the battery for lithium yes you can and you don’t need to do all those complicated expensive and no practical changes, it is a straightforward change and take only half hour, I attached some pictures and will inform any news.


All that I post here is just my experience so any doubt just let me know, I hope it helps!

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