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Umbau des hydraulischen (CL) Dach zum manuellen (Beach) Dach


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Since my last holidays in september my hydraulic roof system broke down, one of the cylinders lost all liquid. My California is 10 years old, and I never had major problems with the roof, exept always after one or two days on the driver side, the roof is comming down about 5 cm.

Actually I am changing the roof system by myself into the manual roof, with original VW parts from the Beach.

Once it is finisched I will give some feedback.

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Top-Benutzer in diesem Thema

  • Dumè


  • Sebastian


  • nimbus1946


  • PaulMZB


Wouldn't fixing the hydraulics be a much simpler and cost effective way to deal with this, rather than replacing the entire assembly with manual parts?

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Maybe, but I do not trust the hydraulic roof system anymore. A lot of Cali owners all over Europe have problems with this hydraulic system. A new cylinder would also cost a lot, and maybe next year the other one, or the hydraulic pump ...

The California is a wonderfull camper, but the hydraulic roof is a mess.

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Hey "Dumè"!


First of all, I say "Hello, and welcome here in the Caliboard-community".:welcome:

You see, we allways try to help our users by solving their Problems.


Perhaps you will introduce yourself, this is part of our "Caliboard-Nettiquette". (Who you are, where are you from, what´s your car...)

When you complet your Profil, it will be the right way :D


So Long,


Paul from Munich

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Hi, I did it some years ago, I posted a lot of things on this forum, people did even copy my ideas, even VW.

But for one or another reason, I could’t login anymore. So I made a new profile.

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Please let us know via IM what your old username and/or email-address was back then, maybe we can merge the two accounts and you won't be the newbie anymore. :cool:

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It is done, and I am satified !!!






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Very nice!


Could you tell us, which parts you had to change and how its done?


Greets Thomas

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I’m actually making a “tutorial” of this extreme make over, but it will take some time for translation in English.

I do realise a lot of Cali owners are interested in this item. VW says it is not possible to modify the roof into manual, but IT IS !!

There are some little differences between the Cali en Beach roof, but I made the change and am satisfied !

Since my last bad experience with the hydraulic roof (cylinder exploded) I decided to change this f**king roof system that VW is not able to fix after more than 12 year of existing this car model. The roof problems of the first T5 in 2005 are still existing on the T6 in 2017 !

Otherwise, I don’t want to separate myself from this wonderfull holiday compagnon that brings me everywhere.

The tutorial will be available soon by mail, free of charge.

More of my Cali changes can be seen on the french forum

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Greetings !

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Hi Dume,


I'm looking forward to your "roof mod guide". Currently the electro-hydraulic system is working @ my Cali, but who knows...

If this mod is of the same quality as your others in the thread, it will be highly appreciated.


By the way, regarding translation: I had "Big G" let do the translation of the french forum - sometimes the results are a bit amuzing, but on the whole it's not too bad.

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Hi Dumé (or Dumè),


Your English seems not that bad, at least for me. But if you like I can help you translating your manual in English.


Regards from Amsterdam,



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So, a detailed and clear tutorial in English is available. Special thanks to Marchugo, member of this forum for the translation Dutch to English.

Let me know your email by private message and you will receive the pdf files soon.

Grtz, Dumè

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